Aruba Campus Network

The Systems and Network Office (SNO) and the UPB-DIC works together to ensure a fast, reliable, and secure internet connection for UP Baguio. In this function, UPB-DIC manages the Aruba Campus Network that enables a single Wi-Fi connection across the University. 

Currently, there are 88 functional Aruba access points strategically located around the campus.

We provide a guide on how to connect to Wi-Fi roaming inside UPB campus HERE

Aruba Wi-Fi Network Monitoring


eduroam is an international Wi-Fi internet access roaming service for users in research and higher education. This is a service that provides researchers, faculty, staff and students with easy and secure network access when visiting participating universities and research institutes locally and internationally. In Northern Luzon, UP Baguio is the first institution to have an eduroam server. 

UPB-DIC integrated eduroam to the Aruba Campus Network. The UPB community can now connect to eduroam anywhere in the campus where the Aruba Access Points (APs) are located.

We provide a guide on how to connect to eduroam HERE.

Institution Accounts that have Connected to Eduroam

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